Active Group is one of the biggest distributors in Azerbaijan of the world’s leading brands in the field of automotive spare parts, engine oils, batteries, test and diagnostic equipment, as well as additives


Bosh / Bakı, Azərbaycanda rəsmi distribütor

“Instead of losing my faith, I will lose my all money.” Drawing on such a philosophy of life, Robert Bosch founded the Sensitive Mechanics and Electrical Engineering Workshop in Stuttgart in 1886. Thus, the foundation of Bosch was laid. The fact that Bosch is the first company that comes to mind when it comes to technology and innovative steps in the world today, of course, indicates the health of the foundations laid by Robert Bosch. Characterized by innovative power and social cohesion from the very first day of its establishment, Bosch did not hesitate to form a brand and make a name for itself in the global market. It all started with the advertising of US ignition systems, which in 1906 ordered Bosch for $ 1 million and doubled sales in one year. His work in the United States was so successful that in 1912 Bosch began production at his factory in Springfield.

Bosch began to enter markets other than the United States. Bosch representatives covered all continents with sales offices in South Africa from 1906, Australia in 1907, Argentina in 1908, China in 1909, and Japan in 1911. In 1913, trade outside of Germany accounted for 88% of the company’s sales.

However, with the outbreak of World War I in 1914, all foreign markets disappeared overnight. Research, technological innovations were stopped, and production shifted to armaments. About half of the labor force was called up for military service, and women had to take on jobs. 453 of these conscripts never returned from the war.

After that, Bosch had to innovate, change its strategy and actually lead the technological development to cope with the impact. After the end of the war, Bosch faced great difficulties. Increased competition and the abolition of patents were already a serious obstacle to a return to the global market. But accepting defeat was not an option. Old contacts have been renewed and new markets have opened up.

Transport safety has been a source of motivation for researchers and engineers at Bosch. It has once again become clear to the world market that the competition is in line with Bosch’s quality, as well as faster and cheaper production capacity. The reason for this was the assembly lines, which Bosch began to implement step by step in 1925. At one time, the production of a complete magnetic ignition system took 50 days, but the production of the assembly line reduced it to five days.

Of course, World War II had a profound effect on world trade and companies as a whole, and Bosch benefited from it. As in World War I, Bosch, which suffered heavy losses again, finally persevered during the 1960s and 1989s, increasing its professionalism and innovation by a few notches and securing its leadership from 1990 to the present.

Bosch’s main products, which produce literally everything for cars, include Air Control Sensors, starters, batteries and accessories, brake discs and brake pads, engine control components, engine control sensors, air filters, cabin filters, oil filters, gasoline filters, diesel filters, injectors, fuel pumps, fuel pumps, spark plugs, oxygen sensors, relays, pressure sensors, spark plugs, steering systems, brake fluids, temperature sensors, gas appliances, windshield wipers, etc.

Active Group is the official distributor of the brand in Azerbaijan, who has always applied these words of Robert Bosch in his practice: “Never forget your humanity and respect human dignity in your relations with others.” Our trade with Bosch, which has been going on for more than 10 years, is based entirely on mutual trust, confidence and sincerity. As Active Group, we are proud to present Bosch brand products to Azerbaijani consumers through the prism of quality, technological development, innovation, meeting the requirements of the time, reliability and product warranty.